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Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Day in the Life...

Today was a tiring day. I had a rough night, full of nightmares. What were they? Not telling you. I don't need people emailing me telling me what they mean. I know what they mean. Loss and rejection. Take that. So when my emotions couldn't take it anymore, I did what I always do. I go cry in the shower. Now, when I say I cried in the shower let me help you understand. I CRIED! Like wailing. Like someone had died. I was in full grief mode. You know that kid who cries so uncontrollably they start to dry heave? That was me. I was crying so hard, I was dry heaving. I cried until the water got cold then I got out and cried. I finally calmed myself down.

Later I worked on a project with a friend for three hours. Very productive. I feel good about it.

This week the landscapers did their little landscaping thing, which included laying down tanbark. Why is this important? Remember this? (scroll down to pic of cat) Yes, the cat has started bringing us sticks again. Now she has yards and yard of tanbark to bring to us. We got eight sticks tonight. She was sooooo proud of herself. Funny girl. Like this...but not white and no water...

So, now, I am really tired. My head hurts, I really want to go to sleep, and I well, obviously will. But I hope to do it soon.

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